Child Protection Mediation

In Ontario, Child Protection Mediation (CP Med) is one of the prescribed methods of Child Welfare Alternative Dispute Resolution. CP Med is a neutral and balanced dispute resolution process involving a child welfare agency, and a family (including foster families) based on the principles of family mediation. It is a process wherein a family, a representative of the Child Welfare agency (typically the assigned worker), and when assigned, a lawyer for the child work together to plan for the well-being of the child. It is facilitated by a specially trained, impartial facilitator who has no decision making authority. The overarching purpose of CP Med is to help the parties come to an agreement that addresses the identified child protection concerns.

Although not an exhaustive list, some examples of possible CP Med referrals include:

  • Decision-Making
  • Parenting Schedules
  • Customary Care Arrangements
  • Family Communication
  • Terms of CAS Involvement/ Plan of Service Tasks
  • File transfer from another agency
  • Adoption Openness
  • Parent-Teen Conflict
  • Length of time in care & conditions for return (Reintegration Strategies)
  • Expiring Temporary Care Agreements
  • Placement Issues
  • Extended Society Care Orders/ Review
  • Foster Parents/ CAS/ Parent Issues
  • Access after removals

CP Med is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Child Protection Mediators are paid by way of a Transfer Payment Agency, and are NOT paid by the involved Child Welfare Agency.

For information on CP Med training opportunities, please contact Paul directly.
